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Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Been reading for the past few days - one old, 3 new.

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez - one of his famous works. I've also read No One Writes to the Colonel and other short stories. Next would be Love in the Time of Cholera. I like his work :) Notice the plain cover, it is a Penguin Classic. Thank God for people wanting to share wonderful works at a cheaper price. "We believed in the existence of a vast reading public for intelligent books at a low price, and staked everything on it." Check out the site

Meanwhile these 3 books from Stephanie Meyer - so easy to read, so easy to get carried away. Keen to get out and purchase the last of the series, Breaking Dawn. Yes - will definitely see the upcoming movie New Moon!

(At times it feels like I'm back in high school reading Nancy Drew stuff - or maybe even Sweet Valley High now that we're at it!) but hey what the heck! I'm still buying the 4th book! (and maybe even The Host, another Stephanie Meyer creation).

Because to read is to feed the mind. Por que a leer es alimentar la menta.


Step Count

Those Who Stopped By

Scribe's Notes

This pitstop is where incoherent ramblings seem to have meaning, where things or events are thought of and assessed, where great things are documented and perhaps any not-so-good happenings are written down in attempt to be forgotten!

So from the diversely abstract to the intensely specific, it's off to making tracks, and it is here where it stops for a thought or two.

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