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Monday, October 27, 2008

Ingredient : Tapioca Pearls

the pearls, before and after boiling

Tapioca pearls are composed of starch, and are typically used for desserts, or beverages like the bubble tea. Sometimes confused with sago, which physically looks the same but is composed of a different type of starch, these pearls provide a delightfully contrasting texture to the recipe with its slightly gummy and chewy soft characteristics. The black pearls can be simply added to a drink made of water and a simple sugar syrup, just add some diced gelatin and its a Filipino meryenda accompaniment, much yearned for on a hot summer day.

Anyway, regardless of it being a tapioca or sago pearl, as long as it is prepared properly then all will be well! (try this link for a sample recipe)


Step Count

Those Who Stopped By

Scribe's Notes

This pitstop is where incoherent ramblings seem to have meaning, where things or events are thought of and assessed, where great things are documented and perhaps any not-so-good happenings are written down in attempt to be forgotten!

So from the diversely abstract to the intensely specific, it's off to making tracks, and it is here where it stops for a thought or two.

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